Photo credit: WilkinsonEyre.

If asked what the most important thing in life is, many would answer happiness, health, or success. Imagine sitting under the branch of a fruit tree,
smelling the scent of newly made tea decorated with flowers grown on-site. You watch people enjoying the environment, some just dropping by to buy their weekly dose of greens from the market on-site. You glance into the nursery and see next week will offer crisp dark green salad, strawberries, and pineberries.

You are sitting at the ‘farm-to-table’ restaurant, having just finished a meeting at the business members club on the next level in the Mediterranean biodome. You are a member of the ALDIN community, so with membership comes access to this sustainable oasis with exotic plants and ecosystems from faraway climates. Some people there are obviously tourists, curious to experience the lush green environment powered by geothermal energy while it’s snowing outside! Some private events are held in the biodomes after the general opening hours, and it’s especially popular for conferences and weddings. During the opening hours, you can sign up for yoga and meditation sessions in the Tropical biodome. A group of primary school kids walks by. They do the route between info stations, of ‘nests’ in the biodomes, focusing on ‘the wonders of the natural worlds’ from diverse perspectives, primarily focusing on food plants from different parts of the world, stories and experiences based on this. You think to yourself, “I´ll bring my family with me next time on the trip to Iceland.”

You have been sitting for too long, and you don’t have to pay for your cup of tea because you are a member of the business lounge. You decide to take a stroll and stretch a little bit. Different scents and the beauty of the environment awaken your senses. Stopping by the pond is one of your favourite spots, as well as the waterfall, where you have a great viewing point through the glass towards the snowy outdoor environment (a perfect Instagram spot).

You decide to take a walk in the valley next to ALDIN. You pick up your coat from the warm closet, step outside, and instantly look forward to returning to the oasis to get warm again. You plan to order newly harvested vegetables from the nursery and some lovely gifts for your family at home. ALDIN Biodome is a lifestyle hospitality concept that aims to reconnect people to nature in a new way. Cities of tomorrow are being drawn green and lush, where birds and the bees can thrive, as well as people – a bit futuristic but critical for life in general since two-thirds of humanity will be living in cities by 2050.

In Iceland, there is a huge opportunity to use and recycle green energy to create a year-round oasis in the Arctic, a ‘Geo-biodome’. The advantage for
Iceland is to have access to warmer climates and exotic nature, where the winter weather can last for up to 8 months a year. To ‘travel’ to warmer climates, simply take a walk from home! Access to a green place with pure air and newly harvested veggies you can transport home without too much packaging might be more important for bigger cities abroad.

A green environment improves happiness, creativity, and efficiency. Nature helps to maintain good physical and mental health. ALDIN awakens the senses and brings balance to people’s hectic 21st Century lives. ALDIN is a one of a kind business opportunity serving a fast-growing group of people seeking ways to improve their lifestyles for their own well-being and for the planet.

The structures will be a landmark in the city, designed according to sustainability and well-being standards. A world-class team has been appointed, including Wilkinson Eyre Architects, who designed the highly successful Gardens by the Bay, Singapore’s biodomes, which attract over 13m visitors annually. Moreover, a prime location has been secured in the capital region of Reykjavik. Interest has been expressed in developing ALDIN Biodome in Asia, and early discussions have begun in North America.

The iconic design, central location, a large, addressable market comprised of local residents and visitors, and a beautiful, soul-enriching experience and merchandise are expected to underpin the project’s commercial success and provide investors with attractive returns.

And these will be double bottom-line returns. ALDIN is an impact investment opportunity that can relate to the majority of the UN’s sustainable
goals but focuses primarily on five of them (No. 3 – Good health, 4 – Quality education, 9 – Innovation and infrastructure, 11 – Sustainable cities and
communities and 12 – Responsible consumption).

Even before the pandemic, Iceland was one of the top destinations globally. Recent surveys have evidenced the strong desire to visit Iceland;
for example, 76% of Americans surveyed in February 2021 by Islandsstofa – Business Iceland stated they wished to travel to the country.

We look forward to welcoming all our guests and are gearing up for the planned opening in 2024.

Photo credit: WIlkinsonEyre.