ALDIN Biodome – Awakens the senses – Tessa Duste
Part of a series of video interviews were people and professionals reflect on the ALDIN Biodome concept being developed in Reykjavík, Iceland. “I’m one of the partners Makers of Sustainable Spaces. We at Moss specialize in integrating green and plants in
ALDIN Biodome – Awakens the senses – Hafsteinn Helgason
Part of a series of video interviews were people and professionals reflect on the ALDIN Biodome concept being developed in Reykjavík, Iceland. "I got to know Aldin in 2015 when the entrepreneur Hjördis came to me and describes this idea she
ALDIN Biodome – Awakens the senses – Ágúst Freyr Ingason
Part of a series of video interviews were people and professionals reflect on the ALDIN Biodome concept being developed in Reykjavík, Iceland. “I found this startup so unique and different to all the others in Startup Reykjavik … to offer a
ALDIN Biodome – Awakens the senses – Sóley Birna Hjördísardóttir
Part of a series of video interviews were people and professionals reflect on the ALDIN Biodome concept being developed in Reykjavík, Iceland. "My mother Hjördis Sigurðardóttir is the heart and soul of this project. I have been watching it grow and
Building at Stekkjabakki, electric bikes and city festivals During the summertime, the city council passes the city council's dispensation, which does not meet in July and August. This arrangement is designed to prevent the handling of issues within the urban system.
Architects selected for giant greenhouses The service core that will rise in the ecosystem in Ellidaárdalur is intended to promote the mind and spirit through connection with green nature all year round. The architectural firm WilkinsonEyre has been selected to lead the
Bite - Life rises in the Ellidaárdalur valley Hjördís Sigurðardóttir, Managing Director of Spor in the sand, spoke to us
Munu bananar bjarga ferðaþjónustunni? Á þessari þrívíddarmynd má sjá hvernig svæðið við Stekkjarbakka gæti litið út gangi hugmyndin um gróðurhvelfingarnar eftir. Teikning/Landslag Setja bókamerki „Einn Íslendingur hefur uppi djörf áform um að hrista upp í ferðaþjónustunni og gera lífið ánægjulegra fyrir heimamenn með því
Bananas May Be Iceland’s Next Big Thing One Icelander has come up with a daring plan to stoke tourism and make life a little more enjoyable for the locals: heated biodomes to grow exotic food and provide comfort. Winter doesn’t just come
Níu metra há gróðurhvelfing rísi nærri Elliðarárdal Í nýju deiliskipulagi sem nú er til kynningar er gert ráð fyrir níu metra hárri gróðurhvelfingu nærri Elliðarárdalnum. Gert er ráð fyrir að gróðurhvelfingin, Aldin Biodome, verði opnuð gestum árið 2021. Þar verður