
Building at Stekkjabakki, electric bikes and city festivals During the summertime, the city council passes the city council's dispensation, which does not meet in July and August. This arrangement is designed to prevent the handling of issues within the urban system.

Architects selected for giant greenhouses The service core that will rise in the ecosystem in Ellidaárdalur is intended to promote the mind and spirit through connection with green nature all year round. The architectural firm WilkinsonEyre has been selected to lead the

Munu ban­an­ar bjarga ferðaþjón­ust­unni? Á þess­ari þrívídd­ar­mynd má sjá hvernig svæðið við Stekkj­ar­bakka gæti litið út gangi hug­mynd­in um gróður­hvelf­ing­arn­ar eft­ir. Teikn­ing/​Lands­lag  Setja bóka­merki „Einn Íslend­ing­ur hef­ur uppi djörf áform um að hrista upp í ferðaþjón­ust­unni og gera lífið ánægju­legra fyr­ir heima­menn með því